Use space to separate lemmas (e.g. кот кошка).
Each lemma must be on a separate line in the file.
Use space to separate word forms (e.g. коты кошками).
Each word form must be on a separate line in the file.
See "About the project" tab to find out the sources for this parameter
**Only for word forms
See phoneme notation here
*(So far) only for lemmas
By default neighbors with both adjacent and non-adjacent transposed letters are searched for. You can change this in the section "Additional transposition neighbor parameters"
**Only for neighbors longer than 2 letters
***Only for key words longer than 2 letters
Not applicable to bigram/trigram neighborhoods
*Including the input word
***Not applicable to bigram/trigram neighborhoods
*Only for some verb lemmas (according to the database "Verb and action")